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Welcome to Buzzed.

Personal accountability taken to the next level.


Buzzed is a self-administered sobriety test that encourages safe driving and personal accountability. Backed by real police field methods and decades of research, Buzzed provides users with an informed decision about whether or not they should get behind the wheel - protecting themselves, and others on the road.

What It's All About


"officers... correctly identified alcohol-impaired drivers over 90% of the time using the results of Standardized Field Sobriety Test's"

Burns & Anderson, 1995

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Playful Testing Methods


Buzzed incorporates two different physical tests that are derived from real police field methods for maximum authenticity. To appeal to a younger audience, and to make the test process enjoyable we included fun graphics, responsive user feedback, and easy to follow instructions for a seamless user experience.


Intuitive Setup and Tutorial


To make sure the user is prepared to use this sobriety test in a situation where they actually need it, we created an in-depth  setup and tutorial to get the user quickly up to speed upon downloading the app.

Calculated Recommendations


Based on the user's test performance, as well as our own proprietary algorithm, Buzzed provides an educated recommendation to help guide the user into making their final decision. On the same screen, you can find accessible safe ride home options and comparisons to previous scores.


Trackable Results


To aid the user in seeing their progress and habits over time, Buzzed provides a handy results tracker that gives them all their test information in one place.

How It Works

How It works

Accountability and Responsibility

Feeling tipsy after that drink and want to drive home,

but can't make a good judgement on your sobriety?

Simply open Buzzed.


1. Start the test

2. Do the walking test

3. Do the balancing test

4. Get recomendations

Buzzed's minimalistic design helps you start a test with one tap, and guides you through the two sobriety tests so that you can easily get results in no time.

Intuitive Interaction

Smart Sensors

Buzzed uses your smartphone's accelerometer and gyroscope during the two tests to calculate a score of your sobriety level to help you make a responsible and informed decision.


The accelerometer tracks your
movement as you walk forward.

The gyroscope tracks your orientation
as you balance on one foot.

When finished, Buzzed gives you recommendations

based on your sobriety score so you can make a

responsible decision and get a safe ride home by

calling your designated driver, an Uber, or a Taxi.

Instant Recomendations


"e-Health tools have shown encouraging results in... reducing alcohol use, and improving care"

Carra et al., 2016


Why Pick Buzzed?

Young adults are inexperienced at judging their own sobriety before driving. 

We target young adults looking to make smarter decisions when it comes to casual drinking and driving. Many 19-25 year olds are new to driving and drinking, putting them more at risk at misjudging their sobriety level. 

Buzzed encourages incentive, accountability, and safety.

A quick, reliable, and personalized process with a simple, intuitive, and friendly interface. Nobody is against making the right choice, but sometimes all you need is a little push towards the right direction - all it takes is 30 seconds.

We care about your goals.

To become more accountable for your choices and actions

To make smart decisions for yourself and those around you

To improve self-control when it's hardest: under the influence

To enjoy yourself with friends, even in a COVID-19-friendly setting

For more info fill out the form or call us at 123-456-7890

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